Friday, April 25, 2014

Our Easter Announcement

This year for Easter the grandparents each received a basket with a SURPRISE in the bottom!

...So yes, we are having another baby!

And, if you ask Martin the real feat in this situation is that I actually made it over TEN WEEKS without telling anyone. I've never known myself to be so secretive!

I'm eleven weeks today!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Rock and Roll

Aubrey: Mom, this is a Rock and Roll Song! Sing with me!
Aubrey: (as loud as she possible can. Over and over for the duration of the song) ROCK AND ROLL! ROCK AND ROLL! ROCK AND ROLL! 

Thursday, April 10, 2014


Aubrey: Mommy, where are we going?
Me: To grandma's house. The bridge is out on our road so we have to ALL the way around the long way to get to her house.
Aubrey: (pause) Mom! I got an idea! When we get to grandma's house I can get my tools and then I can help fix the bridge! That way we can drive down the road!
Me: Ok, that sounds like a great idea, Aubrey.

arriving at my mom's house.

Aubrey: Great Grandpa Leclair! We need to go get my tools so I can help fix the bridge!
GGL: I think you're going to need some machines to fix that bridge.
Aubrey: I know! My tools are machines!