Saturday, January 26, 2013

38 Weeks

I am 38 Weeks pregnant today! Meaning just 14 more days until D-Day, if she decides to come that day. Anyway, I've been feeling really great and am taking every opportunity in these last few weeks to eat as much as possible. I am crazy excited about next weekend being the superbowl! I have un-officially decided it is the best holiday to land right before having a baby. A day filled with unabashed gluttony on appetizers - I'll take it!

In baby news, they sent me for another ultrasound this past Monday to make sure everything was stable. Exactly 14 days after the first ultrasound when they thought the baby might be too small and she had grown exactly 2 pounds! making her 6 lbs 1 oz as of this past Monday. If she continues to grow at that rate, she'll be nine pounds by my due date and since I have no aspirations of getting a crazy big baby award, I'm hoping she slows down just a little. 

mmmm peanut butter....Aubrey's not the only one that licks the bowl clean

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