Tuesday, February 12, 2013


This isn't a recipe post. We haven't even eaten the dinner yet. It's really just a post about cooking. Or how cute Aubrey is. Or something like that.

I love having Aubrey cook with me for a couple of reasons: She's excited about everything. She's becoming better and better talking company everyday. And mostly, she's a really good snacker. Basically, she's not always the best at sitting down and eating an actual meal but she is really good at snacking on all the components that make up a meal during the preparation. So while she probably won't eat much if any of this stromboli when Martin and I sit down to eat dinner later tonight, I can at least be comforted in the fact that she did eat plenty of cheese, olives, mushrooms, italian sausage, spoonfuls of sauce and then an orange (not a component of stromboli, just an after preparation snack).

So, the above picture: A perfect toddler doing a fine job rolling out dough.

Somehow developed into this: a toddler on all fours on the counter eating cheese in a doglike fashion.

ps. for those of you wondering...I'm obviously still with child