In This Lifetime...

Inspired by my dear friend, Katie, who made a thirty before thirty list, I've started a list of things I would like to do in my lifetime. This is an evolving list and I'll continue to add goals.

1. Bake a pie from scratch
2. Make bread from scratch
3. Become a regular somewhere and have the usual
4. Become fluent in another language
5. Get into a good daily workout routine
6. Plant a garden
7. Stay knowledgeable on current events
8. Travel to all fifty states with Martin. (Drive-through visit doesn't count.)
       Been to: New York. Maine. Pennsylvania. Maryland. Florida. Illinois. Ohio. Missouri. Texas. Vermont.
9. Travel to every continent (excluding Antarctica)
10. Road trip from NY to California
11. "Live/Vacation" for at least a month in another country
12. Learn to drive standard confidently
13. Take a dance class with Martin
14. Go skinny dipping
15. Become a full time business owner
16. Teach a college class
17. Learn how to edit and read HTML


  1. I love #3 and I'm stealing #12!!
    Also - I'll let you know next time my family comes over for dinner and you can drive up to Pt Breeze and take care of #14 real quick! ;)

  2. here, make this bread. it's really easy! i made it last week :) bread-from-scratch was also on my list.
