Tuesday, October 26, 2010

36 weeks

So, I don't have any pictures for this week. But my dear friend, Katie Klotzbach took a little photoshoot of me this weekend and I'll be sure to post those when I get them.

I am also sort of lacking in updates. I mean, not much really happens in a week.


I lost 1 pound between last week and this week. Which prompted Martin to immediately ask me if that was ok - and the doctor said my weight is fine.
This baby is still kicking like crazy!
I have her corner of our bedroom all set up and its soo cute
I learned how to put a carseat into a car.
According to the doctor, I have had a textbook normal pregnancy.
Also, I guess I am not considered full-term until next week but the doctor said if I were to go into labor now they wouldn't try to stop it because the baby is fully developed, big enough and would be fine.

.....and that basically sums up my life as a pregnant woman.

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