Saturday, October 16, 2010


So before really going into this story, I should give a little backstory. Martin and I have been married for two years, but we have been dating for 5. That being said - we have come a long way in our relationship. Like we've moved past the fact that it took us about 4 months to figure out that we both liked each other and we should probably date. Anyway, 5 years ago, Martin was absolutely horrible at introducing me to people we would meet. Which was rather unfortunate because back then I didn't know anyone that he knew so basically everyone we encountered everywhere we went was a person I had never met. So Martin would always be talking away like a normal human being and I would be there, standing next to him, looking like a dumb bimbo with no real thoughts in my head because I didn't know whom we were talking to and I hadn't been introduced to the conversation and I really just looked like a stupid shadow, or something.

Anyway, then we got in a really big fight about it. By really big fight, I mean, I yelled at Martin and he listened.

Now he is really really good at introducing me to everyone. He really makes a valient effort and I love him for that. Last Saturday night was no exception.

Martin had come down to the Horseheads/Elmira area to help me with a reset for work. Then we went out to dinner at Texas Roadhouse.

Waiter: Hi, my name is Eric and I will be your waiter tonight
Martin: Hi, my name is Martin and this is my lovely bride, Jenna.
Eric: Ok. Well....most people don't introduce themselves back......but, no problem, that's fine. Nice to meet you.

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