Here goes...
My sister-in-law, Ingrid, is in town. Have I mentioned that I love my sister-in-law??? Because I do. I talked to her every single day in 2010. I miss that about 2011. But, amazingly, she's here now.
Ingrid and I went to the outlets on Saturday, why??? Because Ingrid has this amazing ability to talk me into buying absolutely anything that I am debating purchasing. And I felt like I haven't really been shopping in over a year. Since the last time I was with Ingrid and not pregnant. The conversations generally go something like this:
Ingrid: You should definitely get that. It looks so cute.
Me: Yeah. But it's kind of expensive.
Ingrid: (insert one of following possibly applicable phrases)
Yeah, but it's on sale, so it's basically the best deal you're going to get
Yes, but it's the outlets, so it's basically already on sale.
Yeah, but it's a universal piece that would go well with a thousand different outfits. Especially if you belt it.
Me: Hmm. Well. I don't know.
Ingrid: (finishes the conversation with her signature final move): Think of it this way. It's insert appropriate monetary amount amount of dollars. If you where it 100 times (or some other plausible number) which you definitely will. That's only some certain cents per wear. I mean, isn't that worth it.
Me: Yeah.... I guess you're right. Ok. I'm getting it.
This weekend on our
Ingrid: See, right there. Quiver. There's another one. Quiver. The bathroom is the worst place. Everyone sees your baby and she's like man I really hope I don't have my period because my ovaries are quivering and I want to have a baby.
Ingrid was then relaying this conversation to our friend Jenny at dinner
Ingrid: ...........quiver
Jenny: Well. They have the exact opposite effect on me
Ingrid: Oh don't worry, me too! When I see a cute baby my ovaries actually suck back up inside of me. Slurp!