Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Wine Tours are my Life

Someone recently told me when they interview people and ask them about themselves, they like to hear the people talk about something other than their kids - so they always ask what the person would do on a day to theirselves. I started thinking about this and quickly came to the realization that I use almost all of my days to myself to go on wine tours. I love them! Even when I can't drink and resign myself to driving.

This past Saturday I went on a wine tour for my good friend Kylie's birthday. As expected, it was a ton of fun. Kylie and I ended up with a little thing going where the server would ask me if I was tasting, I would say, Kylie would inform them of my pregnancy and then I would inform them of Kylie's birthday.

I think one of my favorite parts of the wine tour was our friend Katie's absolute enthusiasm for wineries. At one winery she kept walking around and saying I want to buy this place! with the exact same amount of excitement with each retelling of her goals.

Also, the games I was subjected to by my dearest friend, Caton, in the car really made the entire trip. And yeah....so I couldn't remember that the capitol of Poland is Warsaw....so I learned a little something....And Mike had difficulty with the rules in every game....but it really wouldn't be a car ride with Caton if there wasn't games.

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