Thursday, June 9, 2011

Fashion Forward

When Ingrid was in town, we went shopping at the outlets. One of my main missions when shopping was to get cute flat sandals. I have this problem and that problem is I’m really attracted to heels. Unfortunately, my life doesn’t facilitate that attraction very well. Usually it’s A. Unpractical to where heels given the terrain I will be walking in. B. Unpractical to be wearing heels given the length of time I will be in said shoes C. The outfit in question will be just a little too dressy in heels. or D. All of the Above.

Therefore, I was looking for cute, flat sandals. Sandals that would allow me to venture on unchartered terrain for long periods of time while simultaneously looking cute, but not overdressed. I made the mistake of calling these type of shoes Fashion Forward  sandals and Ingrid continued to ridicule me about this word choice for the remaining 6 days of her stay in the states.


But fashion forward or not, I was able to score three super cute pairs of sandals each for no more than $7. I’d call that a success.

Me: I love these new sandals. I think they make my feet look so pretty.
Martin: Well. Aren’t you modest?

1 comment:

  1. you are so right - the right shoe DOES make your feet look pretty! love them.
