After putting off finding out the gender of our coming child for weeks for no specific reason...I finally made an appointment for an ultrasound yesterday to figure out what this little peanut is going to be. My original plan was to have a gender reveal/house closing party when we close on our house, but the closing is taking so long that I scratched the whole idea and decided to just find out the regular, boring way.
We are having another girl! I am super excited for Aubrey to have a sister that is close to her age. Probably because I never had a sister, I have a really idealized version in my head of how amazing having a sister close in age will be for Aubrey. I picture them being the best of friends (yes, I completely understand there is going to be a number of years when they hate each other, but friends!)
Martin is excited too! He has had a lot of responses and things to say about the topic.
Martin: I'm glad we're having another girl. You're going to have four more kids so we have plenty of time to have a boy.
four more kids???? oh boy.
Martin: We have to fill up the house. I figure the two girls can each have their own room and then we can put four boys in one room.
Me: Why would the girls get their own room and then four boys be all in one room?
Martin: Because they will be daddy's little girls, of course.
Martin: I'm excited to have another girl. I want another Aubrey.
Took dad until number 6 to get a boy... good thing you plan on having more! So happy Aubrey is getting a sister... sisters ROCK and so do sister in laws!!! Love my brothers like crazy too!! XOXOXOXOXOXO. Jennifer