Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Inspired by some delicious burgers we had at Katie and Ryan's recently..... and by some cheddar horseradish cheese from the Amish Store.... and by some giant onion buns Martin picked up the previous Sunday, we were pretty stoked for deluxe burgers on Friday night.

Me: Wait. Where is the lettuce?
Martin: (silence)
Me: There were two pieces of lettuce sitting right here? Do you know where I put them?
Martin: (more silence)
Me: I don't know how I lost them between the counter and the table.
Martin:  I might have ate them.
Me: What do you mean, 'you might have ate them'? I specifically didn't cut two pieces up for salad so we could put them on our burgers.
Martin: Well, I couldn't figure out why you didn't put them in the salad and I thought you thought they were bad or something. And I couldn't find anything wrong with them so I figured I'd better eat them before you threw them away.
Me: Oh. You're crazy.
Martin: And then when you started asking about them I thought maybe if I just didn't say anything you would forget about it.
Me: Forget it about it in the middle of the question?
Martin: Well, it was worth a try.

Oh. And a great burger tip from Katie and Ryan: Oatmeal. Egg. Onion Powder. Salt. Pepper. Paprika. Grill!

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