Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Day

Christmas Day is a really hectic day. We started our day opening presents at our home. Aubrey got a little rocking chair and bubbles!

Then we went to my mom's house for brunch. Homemade cinnamon rolls, fruit salad, chicken wing dip, english muffins, breakfast egg salad, creme puffs, bacon, and sausage. Mmmm.

While Aubrey was in bed we attempted a family game hour; and tried to play Taboo which Martin, Aubrey and I received from Santa Claus that morning. It was somewhat of a failure. My dad made one guess the entire time and then spent the remainder of the game basking in the glory of one good guess. Jessica spent the entire length of a timer flipping through cards trying to decide which one to describe. Alex would give descriptions and then ignore every answer until someone made the same guess for the third time. And Martin just didn't even try and slept through the entire thing, perking up halfway through to guess Jekyll and Hyde during one of my descriptions.

Then, at two we went up to Mary and Carlton's for another Christmas.

Mary: Here you go Martin, I thought you would like this.
Martin: Oh, thank you, honey.

Everyone starts laughing.

Martin: I mean, thanks mom.

a few hours later

Megan: My favorite part of the day was when Martin called mom Honey
Martin: Oh boy, you had to bring that up again.
Megan: I just wanted to reiterate it so Jenna would remember to put it on her blog.

This picture was probably taken right after Martin's phone conversation with Kendyll's principle. It went something like this,

Kendyll: (with a fake phone) Martin - the phone is for you. It's Jenna's mom.
Martin: Hello. Oh hi. O yeah? Kendyll's principle called you too? She isn't doing any homework? O yeah, that is bad!

Kendyll:(starts crying almost immediately) Let me see the phone. .....Yeah. But no one does homework in preschool!

Then on the way home we stopped and listened and watched the lights that are set up to music.

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