Friday, January 7, 2011


This is my niece, Kendyll. If you don't think she's adorable, don't tell me because she is absolutely freaking adorable.

On New Year's Day, the whole family went over to Martin's mom's house to celebrate both the new year and Christmas over lunch. Although I didn't get to am too much of an idiot to have taken pictures on this day, it was so cute to see how amazing Kendyll was with Aubrey. First of all she loves babies and names all her dolls Leigha (after her baby sister). She loves to hold babies in her lap and to pet their heads. She is amazing! And super cute.

And when she held Aubrey in her lap and Aubrey decided to let out an outrageous loud poop that probably vibrated through Kendyll's leg 3 times in a span of approximately two minutes all Kendyll did was make a big OOooo face and say, "I think she went to the bathroom"

And when I went into the other room to feed Aubrey in the afternoon, Kendyll followed with her doll. I should rephrase, Kendyll followed with her doll after picking up a dirty pair of Aubrey's tights to use as a burpcloth with her doll

And when I lifted my shirt up to feed Aubrey, Kendyll lifted her shirt up and nursed her doll.

And when I held Aubrey up to my shoulder to burp her, Kendyll held her doll up to her shoulder to burp her.

And when Aubrey let out a big burp and I said, There you go. That's a nice big burp. Kendyll looked over at her doll and said There you go. That's a nice big burp.

So you see. Adorable.

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