Saturday, January 1, 2011


Ten Things I Loved About 2010

10. Food. I love food! So naturally food, is going to be part of the things that I loved about 2010. So food. Ithaca has tons of great restaurants and 2010 was filled with amazing lunch dates with Ranatta, Judy, and Kristin mostly at Collegetown Bagels, Garcia's or Taste of Thai Express. Also, I got Martin to try and enjoy Thai food.

9. Books. I love to read. And I read a ton of great books in 2010. I think my favorite book I read in 2010 was Middlesex, which is probably one of my favorite books ever.

8. Travel. I went on so many amazing trips this year. Chicago. Key West. Austin. Nashville. Memphis. Oklahoma City. Kansas City. St. Louis. Brooklyn.

7. Wine Tours. Even though I was pregnant for nine months of the year, I probably went on more wine tours this year than I have ever before. I wasn't drinking on a majority of these, but I still had a blast. And the ones I did drink on, were very, very fun.

6. TV. Ok, so we still don't have cable. or any channels at all. But we did watch a lot of our favorite shows on DVD. There was plenty of repeat viewings of both Seinfeld and Arrested Development and we're currently making our way through How I Met Your Mother which is pretty spectacular too. And then there is my obsession with Glee which I fulfill on Hulu every week. And, Martin and I weekly get our fix of Modern Family. Oh, and when we find ourselves somewhere that does have cable tv - we bask in the glory of it.

5. Ingrid. Talking to Ingrid almost every day was amazing this year. The only thing that would have made it better is if I had seen her more than just a few times. If she wasn't in a timezone six hours ahead of me. And if she lived close enough to me that we could share sugar.

4. Friends. Lunches. Dinners. Game Nights. Skiing. Wine Tours. Birthdays. Canoeing. Basically anything that involves laughing and hanging out with friends has made 2010 an amazing year.

3. Family. So. you can't pick your family. You just get them and you love them anyway. But, if I could pick my family, I would probably pick mine anyway.

2. Martin. So, it should come as no surprise that Martin is the love of my life. And I love spending time with him. And making babies with him. Or having a baby with him. Well.....both. And we have the best conversations. Pretty much. ever.

1. Aubrey. I spent most of the year pregnant, which was fun, but not nearly as much fun as spending all my time with the cutest kid on the planet.

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