Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Chef.

I have a new occupation for Aubrey daily. Based on whatever she is interested in at any given moment, I decide some sort of amazing career in mind for her.

One thing that Aubrey loves doing is watching me cook. No matter how fussy she is being, I can pretty much always set her in a chair propped so she can see me and start cooking. Or slicing vegetables. Or basically doing anything with food on the counter in the kitchen.

This fascination with watching me cook prompted me to decide she is going to be a famous chef someday working in a high-end restaurant in some awesome city and Martin and I are going to get to go visit her and get served an amazing meal.

Me: You are going to be a famous chef aren't you?

Aubrey smiling in her chair is wearing a cute cotton skirt for Valentines day and has pullled it up so we can see her cute little bottom.

Martin: If you keep wearing your skirt like that, you're going to be working in Las Vegas. . .

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