But, it is sort of difficult to come up with a story to write about everyday. I mean, I could probably tell some sort of diaper story everyday that would probably make you laugh, but would also get old. So I've decided to kick those stories to to curb (even though I can think of at least two other good ones).
I could post a new picture of Aubrey every day, but I could do that on facebook and that just wouldn't be as fun as a story or anecdote.
I could post some book reviews, but Gabe strictly requested that I do not do that. (even though I am about 12 books behind and I just finished The Perks of Being a Wallflower which was a very quick and easy read and therefore I also just started it yesterday. I would definitely recommend it).
Anyway... I'm making this amazing (I hope) birthday dessert for Martin, whose 26th birthday is on Saturday! I'm making it today because I have hopes of making him a new treat everyday between now and then. Keep your fingers crossed that it turns out delicious and I'll post a recipe tomorrow! Or maybe the next day.
In the meantime here's a picture of Aubrey being super cute and hanging out in the laundry basket over the weekend when I brought 5 loads of laundry home and still have another load of sheets to wash from when I decided to do a massive cleaning in the farm apartment to prepare for our temporary move there until we find a house! Once we actually start looking for a house. Once Martin isn't hunting and has time to look for a house when he's not working. So far none of those things have happened.
I never miss a day of your blog, I love it!! And a picture of Aubrey every day would be so awesome!!! And the diaper stories, go right ahead... until there are smile stories and giggle stories, first word stories, rolling over... there will be plenty to tell. Love you!!! Guess who.. your almost favorite sister in law... Jennifer