Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Whenever Ingrid is around, we seem to make omelets. I love omelets. So this works out very well for me.

On Friday morning, Ingrid and I made absolutely scrumptious omelets. Yum.

 For starters, cut up any desired veggies and meats for your omelet. We used mushroom, onion, tomatoe, spinach and cheese.

Then, add a little oil to the pan and saute the stuff that takes a while to cook (ie. the mushrooms and onions) if you don't do this is will ruin your omelet. (When I say it will "ruin your omelet" what I mean is it will not taste as good because the mushrooms won't have delightful cooked characteristic and the onions will be too crunchy and raw tasting.)

When that is ready, throw in the rest of your veggies.

Beat the desired number of eggs in a seperate bowl and add a splash of milk

Toss is all into the pan with the veggies.

Stir around until eggs are done and then sprinkle the top with cheese. (ignore the picture of me with morning eyes and greasy hair)

This is less of an omelet and more of scrambled eggs with veggies and cheese. There is no omelet folding action to be found here tastes just as good.

Ingrid and I make one mean omelet if I do say so myself!

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