After we found out we were having a baby the excitement of the whole situation was too much for me to handle and I wanted to tell everyone. right away. Martin, being my voice of reason, suggested that maybe we should wait a little while to tell people. Apparently six weeks is the really crucial time period. And I get that, I really do.
But I wanted to tell people anyway.
So, I settled for telling random people. People that weren't the important people. I told all my store managers, two co-workers, my two friends that live in Ithaca, my best friend and my sister-in-law. But I didn't tell my parents. Or anyone that would ever speak to my parents.
Finally. Martin and I had agreed that we would tell both of our parents on Easter Weekend. It was the first time we were going to be home. We could tell them in person AND we could tell them both on the same weekend. Perfect!
And then. Things got a little difficult.
The weekend BEFORE Easter my mom called me up and said that she and my dad were coming down to visit. Martin promptly gave me a 25 minute lecture before they arrived warning me not to blurt out the news.
"I know something is going to happen and you're gonna want to just blurt it out. But DON'T SAY ANYTHING"
"No problem. I'm as cool as a cucumber"
And then my parents arrive. Actually. the first thing I see as my parents enter our apartment is a christening dress which my mom has stretched out five feet in front of her is bouncing into our apartment to show me.
"Isn't it so great? I had my wedding dress made into a baptismal dress. Now we have a family heirloom. I love the sleeves don't you? Oh. And you see how this outside layer is so ornate. Well if someone has a boy, they can wear the inside layer......see."
It was at that moment I realized I was not cool as a cucumber and this keeping my mouth shut was going to be harder than expected.
I just need to comment, I loooove this story!! I also really, really, really love this blog. I honestly force myself to wait to read it at work because sometimes it is the highlight of my day, and I want to savor that moment. Annnd this is what my life has come to. Love you best friend! Can't wait for bouncing baby Bruning!