Monday, April 5, 2010

Tale As Old As Time

Martin and I don't have TV. Okay, that's not exactly the truth. We have a TV, but we don't get any channels. So we watch a lot of Seinfeld and Arrested Development reruns on DVD. I typically use the one weekend a month when I'm at my parents house to catch up a couple hours of good, old-fashioned potatoe-couching in front of the TV. But this weekend when I went home. There was no TV.

Ok. That's a lie. again. There was TV but there wasn't any channels. Apparently in a fit of anger and punishment to my youngest brother, my mom cancelled the cable service at their house. Turns out, this is actually punishing my dad a lot more heavily than my brother. But my mom doesn't feel punished at all so it seems this isn't going to change in the near future. Anyway, I had to resort to movies. So I pulled out my absolute favorite vhs tape on Saturday morning and sat back to watch Beauty and the Beast.

My youngest brother Garrett joined me and I quickly realized he had never seen the movie. Can you believe it??? He has lived 14 years in our household and never seen Beauty and the Beast. The ridiculousness of this is amazing to me. I adore this movie. It is definitely my favorite Disney movie. It is the only Disney movie I ever owned. My Uncle Randy gave it to me for my birthday many years ago and if I had the capabilities of watching it at my own apartment, I would have taken it with my when I moved out.

I've seen this movie countless times and I still found myself crying. At the end. You know. Right when you think the beast might die. Right before he turns into a prince. Right at that moment when Belle says that she loves him. I know he is going to live but I still cry. It's that good. Who knew you could get so much emotion in a cartoon?

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