Friday, April 30, 2010

Growing a Watermelon

I have been contemplating this since the moment I discovered I was pregnant. There is a person growing inside of me?!! I mean how crazy is that??? Which has led me to further wonder why anyone ever came up with the stork story. That is so boring. A stork brings a baby. Come on. Lame. The really story is just infinitely better. I mean, think about it. Mommy and Daddy really love each other and they make a seed called a zygote and it grows in mommy's belly and it keeps growing and growing just like a watermelon and that is where you came from. You were a watermelon in my belly.

I mean. I think we can all agree that that story is so much better than the stork story. I mean, yeah, I might have a few kinks to work out in it, but I would say its phenomenally better. Anyway, since I got this story latched in my brain, I have been refering to this baby of mine as my watermelon.

Such as:

Martin: Are you ready to go?
Me: No. I have to eat breakfast.
Martin: Ugh. I'm in a hurry.
Me: Well, I'm trying to grow a watermelon here. I can't just skip meals!

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