Thursday, April 1, 2010

Funny, But Not Really

April Fool's Day.

I have never been particularly good at April Fool's Day. It is really hard to come up with good, funny tricks to do on people. But it is something that I continue strive to improve on. You know, one of those really important personality traits that I continue to develop and critique. I really try to focus on important personality traits when improving myself.

But the story I wanted to tell today has nothing to do with improvements I have made in this area, even though after reading this I think it will be clear why I need to make these improvements. The story I'm telling today is from April Fool's Day my junior year in college.

My best friend Caton was over at my apartment and we were discussing April Fool's Day and how we should play really awesome April Fool's jokes on our boyfriends.... You can probably guess that this is leading nowhere good. Anyway, because my boyfriend at the time was Martin and he was already graduated from college and therefore, not there. I obviously would not be able to play a practical joke on him, but would have to trick him over the phone somehow.

This is where it gets a little dicey.

In order to trick Martin about something over the phone, I would have to lie to him about something. anything. There was really no way around that. So Caton, who has been getting my into trouble since the dawn of time but I still love her anyway, comes up with this genius idea that we should tell Martin that I am cheating on him. Supposedly, this is going to be funny because he will get really worried and paniced for a minute and then April Fools!

Except it didn't really work out that way.

Caton calls Martin and pretends that she just feels really bad and needs to tell him about this sitation. She says that I have been cheating on him with this guy that I interned with over the summer and she has been telling me to stop and she just wanted to let Martin know.

This is the part where Martin is supposed to ask questions or immediately call me for an explanation and it's all April Fools!

But. Of Course. That's not what happened.

Martin says something along the lines of thanks for telling me and then he hangs up.

Ok. No biggie. He's going to call me for an explanation any second.

But then. A minute passes. and then two. and then ten. No call.

Oh My God. Why doesn't he call. April Fools!

At this point, I'm panicing. Near hysteria. What the heck did I just do? I think I'm going to marry this kid someday and I just threw the whole relationship away on a bad April Fool's joke. What if he breaks up with me over this? What if he doesn't believe that it was a joke? This was my worst idea ever!

I try calling Martin. He picks up and hangs up. Doesn't say anything.

Oh my god. This is worse than I thought.

I begin repeatedly calling Martin for.....a long time. Probably over an hour.

Finally. Finally. He answers and I apologize and say it was just a really bad April Fool's joke and he is pissed and says it wasn't funny and he'll talk to me later.

So yeah. I've got a lot of improving to do in the practical jokes arena.

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