Friday, June 4, 2010

Holey Moley Gaucomole!

I recently read saw these individual gaucomole cups here and instantly decided it was the best idea since sliced bread. And let's be honest, that's going back a long way.

So I decided to make them on Sunday when Michelle and I were eating delicious summer food. And because Michelle was so impressed by the gaucomole, I feel that I must give you that recipe also.

Cut desired number of avocados lengthwise (for two people one avocado is sufficient)
Scoop out the inside. and Throw away the pit.
Mash avocado with a fork. Do not mash too much. I like it chunky.(but this could be a personal preference, I'm not sure. In my world there are no personal preferences there is my way and the way that is undoubtly not as good......just kidding.......maybe)
Slice up a roma tomato (or any tomatoe will do, I just like roma in this instance because it is less liquidy on the inside).
Dice some red onion
Toss it all in with the avocado.
Generously Grate some fresh ground pepper onto the concoction.
Squeeze some lime in there too. (I don't always do this. Only if I have lime. Sometime I also add hotsauce to the deliciousness.)
Mix this all together and, if you want to make it super cute Scoop the gaucomole back into the avocado shells and serve with tortilla chips.
