Sunday, June 20, 2010


I have this problem. I hate having excess things in my life/home. Therefore, I am constantly purging things I think I don't need. I have twice now thrown out a wedding invitation after sending in the response card causing us to have to call a friend to find out the details such as time and location of the event.

Last Sunday, Martin lost his debit card. Therefore, I had to cancel his account. The really important word in that previous sentence is I. Because, I had to cancel his account. It was really more than Martin could handle and according to him, if we look in the books from out premarital counseling, I am the one that is supposed to handle anything Martin cannot.

Anyway, we get two letters in the mail from our bank this weekend. The first one I open up says that the pin number to your debit card is XXXX (I won't write the actual pin number because Martin already thinks this website comes dangerously close to giving away our identities.) I assumed this was some form of junk mail and immediately purged it from my life. The second letter contained Martin's new card. It wasn't until 10 hours later when I had given Martin the new card and he asked, So do I just use the same pin number to work it? That I realized the significance of the first letter.


I explained to Martin about the two letters and how it was all making more sense now. Martin was angry about my excessive need to purge. As luck would have it though,I remembered the number in the first letter and explained this to Martin. See, it's fine. We don't even need the letter. Martin said that is not the point.

The next morning we were having lunch with my parents and this topic came up in conversation again. My dad challenged that I didn't really remember the number which immediately sent me out to the garage to dig through watermelon rinds for a piece of paper with a 4 digit number on it.

And guess what??

I was right.

So when Martin asked me if I had learned that I probably shouldn't immediately throw things out so I wouldn't have to dig through the garbage for them. the obvious response was, No, I have not learned my lesson because I knew the number without having the piece of paper.

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