Saturday, June 12, 2010

Wherein I Say Too Much

Those of you who know me personally, know that I have filter problems. Or, I don't have a filter. Or, I basically never think before I speak and I have never learned the meaning of a personal story. In my eyes, a story was made for telling - no matter how personal it may seem to be. Those of you who only know me on here, may already have gathered that about me, but honestly, I think I've been pretty tame on this little blog and really haven't overstepped my bounds up until this point.

That being said. I have a halarious story that I absolutely must share even if Martin would kill me if he ever found out that I posted it.

Scene: Sunday Night. Martin and I have just finished getting "intimate".
Me: That was nice.
Martin: Yeah, well I figure we've got to get a lot in before you get really close to having the baby because I don't want to give it a dimple on its chin.
Me: Are you KIDDING?? That is not how that happens. How do you think the baby is laying in there - with its chin sticking out?
Martin: Well. Steve put the idea in my head and I don't want to do it to our baby.
Me: (pauses for a second) Well, if that's the case then I guess you're just going to have to satisfy me in other, orally.
Martin: (pauses and lets out sigh) I've met my match.

1 comment:

  1. Ya know Jenna, I have always noticed that when you smile, you have slight dimples. Hmmmmm.
