Thursday, July 1, 2010

Thrown For A Loop

As I previously stated, a lot of my cashiers are still slowly figuring out that I am with child. I continue to laugh over the halarity of the conversation once this realization occurs, but this one, while also making me laugh, threw me for a loop.

Cashier: I didn't know you were having a baby.
Me: I know! Its so funny to me that people are still just finding out. I thought everyone knew.
Cashier: So......did you want it????
Me: What?????????
Cashier: I mean. Were you planning on having a baby.
Me: Well. No. But I'm old and I'm married so its not really bad surprise to get.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that she is probably the only person that is ever going to ask me if I wanted me baby in quite those terms.

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