Tuesday, November 9, 2010

38 Weeks

So. I made it to 38 weeks. I seriously don't know how much longer I can make it. Last night, I honestly thought I was going into labor. I was having really frequent contractions for about a half hour. Martin was freaking out, but then everything was fine. Except that she was squirming all over the place! I'm not talking little movements, I'm talking my entire stomach is doing summersaults for 45 minutes straight. I'm talking, Martin feels like the kicking is hurting him as it hits him through my body. I'm talking, I can't quite confirm this, but Martin swears he could feel the baby kicking through my butt.

I mentioned something about all this to my doctor today, because from what I've read the baby is supposed to slow down in movement towards the end of pregnancy! My doctor said that is usually the case, but it seems I have quite the athlete in there (something he's been saying for a while now - based on the heartbeat).

So, I'm three centimeters dialated now! The doctor set up another appointment for next Tuesday, but when I asked him if I would have the baby before that his remark was
"Well, I couldn't tell you with any certainty at all, but it is quite possible that you have it in the next week"

We shall see!

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