Tuesday, November 30, 2010

An After Thanksgiing Tradition

Every year, basically since Martin and I started dating, we have had Thanksgiving at my parent's house after Thanksgiving. This is for a couple of reasons, mostly because my mom is super accomodating. But, it has made it really nice for us to be able to go to Thanksgiving with Martin's family also. Plus, last year we weren't able to go home until the weekend and this year we were in the hospital. So the After Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Celebration is basically the best thing ever.

We had an after Thanksgiving again this year. Once again, it was really fun.

Aubrey was with us, of course, so everyone wanted to hold her. Well, mostly my mom who didn't want to put her down at all.

Me: Mom, you can put her in the carseat while you're eating. She'll sleep fine in there.
Mom: No. I want to do both. I want to hold her and eat at the same time.

After dinner, we played a Newlyweds Game with Martin and I, my brother and his girlfriend, and Caton and Kerri McKenna (posing as a couple). There were a few highlights:

Kerri: Ok, what is your partner's proudest moment.
Martin: umm, giving birth
Me: nope
Martin: Well, what is it?
Me: I'm not sure. But I immediately thought that you might say that and that it's not my proudest moment. I was thinking maybe it was that time we had a food eating contest at the Chinese restaurant for Sigma Alpha and I won and then puked in the parking lot.
Martin: I say giving birth an you're more proud of eating a lot.
Me: Well, I hadn't really figured out my proudest moment yet. That was just something that came to mind.

Kerri: What was your first date with your partner?
Mitchell: I have no idea.
Jessica: Yeah, we went to that little restaurant. It was just a couple months ago. We've been dating for a year and we just went on a date a couple months ago.
Mitchell: I have no idea.
Martin: I love this conversation. I think it is making me look pretty good.

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