Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Last Wednesday, I had the day off. In the middle of the week. It was amazing! Aubrey and I hung out at the lake for the majority of the day. We got there in the morning and swung in the hammock while looking out onto the peaceful water.

Then my parents, grandparents, and youngest brother joined us for lunch. grilled corn on the cob. hamburgers. cucumber salad. mmmm.

There was a couple canoeing on the water. At first they were too far away and we couldn't really tell they were a couple.

Dad: I think that's two girls in that canoe. Garrett, get the binoculars.
Garrett: No. You get them. I don't really care.

My dad wanders off to go searching for the binoculars. After about five minutes of searching he comes back declaring that he has no idea where they are and they are not in the truck. My mom tells him she is pretty sure he put them back in the truck since he was the last person to use them. My dad is adamant that they are not in the truck. My mom walks over to the truck and finds the binoculars in less than a minute. At this point the canoe is much closer to our shore and it is clear that the couple rowing are a couple and not a couple of girls.

Dad: (standing very conspicously, looking through the binoculars) Oh. That's a guy and a girl. The guy has long hair though
Mom: We can see them from here; we don't need those binoculars.
Dad: They're looking right at me. They can see me watching them. (he makes no attempt to put down the binoculars.
Me: Dad! Put down the binoculars! They are probably thinking, 'who is this old pervert watching us'
Dad: (takes binoculars down from eyes, walks over and sits down in chair, picks binoculars up again)
Me: Are you still looking at them?
Dad: No, I'm watching these fishermen. But when they think the coast is clear I'm gonna turn back to them.

After lunch my family went back home. I took Aubrey for a walk to put her to bed.

My plan was to share a bottle of wine with Jennie Powell while Aubrey took a nap. Aubrey had other plans. She decided she didn't want to take a very long nap. Instead, I shared a bottle of wine with Jennie while Aubrey watching and laughed.

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