Thursday, August 4, 2011


The other day, while riding with Martin in his truck paper towels starting blowing around the truck. As I reached to grab some before they blew out the window, I realized Martin was also grabbing them and shoving them under the dash. Confused as to why he would shove paper towels in the dash, I peered a little closer and realized that not only has Marin still not replaced his registration sticker from March, but he instead has the entire sticker and piece of paper that you hand to the officer when being pulled over pressed up against the dash with paper towels propping it up.

Me: Oh my gosh. Why don't you just stick that sticker up there.
Martin: Why would I? I am making it so easy for them. Pull me over and I'll be like registration, insurance, the sticker, it's all right up there for you to look at.

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