Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Great Conversion

I used to think I didn't like hummus. I thought it was disgusting. Absolutely revolting. Not a respectable food. I'm not sure what the basis of these thoughts were. Most likely something along the lines of I don't like chick peas so I'm definitely not going to like hummus. 

But guess what? I love hummus. I would like to eat it everyday. It is without a doubt the most delicious and easy snack in my refrigerator. I am really partial to the roasted red pepper hummus from Aldi. It is so creamy and amazing. I eat it with peppers. I eat it with carrots. I eat it with celery. I eat it with pita chips. Sometimes I just eat it with my finger. I eat it for a side at lunch. I eat it for breakfast. I eat it for an afternoon snack. I eat it for a midnight snack. The possibilites of this are endless and I can't get enough!
But, I think possibly the most astonishing part of this hummus story is not that I am a converted hummus eat, but that Martin is. Yes, you heard that right. Martin actually said that he likes hummus.

The other day I was eating some hummus with celery before dinner (you know, ruining my appetite like my mother always told me not to) and Martin was making a salad for us to share.
Me: Hummus is just so delicious. Do you want to try some hummus, honey?
Martin: Not particularly. (puts on a disgusted face).
Me: Come on. Just try it.
Martin: Ok, fine. (looks at the giant scoop of hummus I have on the end of my celery stick) I don't want that much though.
Me: Ok. (sets down celery stick and then immediately picks it back up again) Ok. Here. Try it now.
Martin: Dutifully takes bite. Hmm. That is pretty good.
Me: See. It's delicious. Oh, and I didn't take any hummus off that stick.
Martin: Well I guess now you can write a blog about how you pulled the wool over my eyes.

And that is exactly what I rushed to do.

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