Wednesday, March 3, 2010

They're Very...Proud.

On Saturday when Martin and I were at the farm show we ran into a friend of Martin's, Becky Snyder. To further explain the situation I should say that Martin and Becky actually don't know each other very well, but that Becky is a dairy cattle nutritionist and so spends some time at both my parent's farm and used to spend time at Martin's family farm. Therefore, Martin would see her on occasion in these settings. Because Martin has one of those amazing personalities wherin you feel like you are really best friends with him after one meeting and he really truly cares about you and your life, Martin and Becky are actually pretty good friends - even though they probably haven't seen each other in the last 8 months and they probably only met 6-10 times before that.

While Martin was talking to Becky, I was off in my own world, catching up with some other friends. Then Martin yelled to me.

Martin: Hey honey, come here.
Me:  dutifully walks over
Martin: I want you to meet Becky Snyder, formerly Becky Rugenstein.
Becky: It's so great to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you from your parents. They're very....proud.

And I don't know why, but there's just something unsettling thinking about my parents with their need to talk about all my life accomplishments to everyone they meet. I mean, its really great and I'm glad they're proud - but I feel like not everyone wants to hear about that. But here's the kicker, even though my parents apparently talk about me all the time  and even though the first time my Uncle Andy met Becky he said, "Rugenstein, that's jewish right" to which she replied, "Umm, methodist?" and even though my family is proud and nosy, she truly was really excited to meet me.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Martin probably plays a large part in that excitement.

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