Thursday, April 5, 2012

Just A Few...

Just a few little tidbits and fun facts from my day. I'm obviously in a really talkative mood today since this is my third post of the day and I have yet to talk about anything of significance.

1. Sometimes I fluctuate in and out of being really addicted to fast food. I blame my job for that. I never really ate fast food till I was always in a hurry and spending a lot of time in a car. I try to pack a lunch or buy something from the store, but every once in a while a mcdouble and small diet coke comes calling. And for the small price of $2.16 (actually, they recently took diet coke off the dollar menu and as I have learned, this combo is now $2.37)! But sometimes it just takes the little things to snap you back to reality and make you realize you absolutely need to stop eating fast food. Like when you pull up to the drive through and put the empty cup from the previous day on the passanger's seat floor so the girl at the window won't see that you have a problem and just "dined" there yesterday.

2. My Florida pedicure is still holding up! And I knew you really wanted to see a picture of my feet.

3. Martin was gone for dinner tonight. Black Beans and Rice! Mmmm.

4. Aren't they adorable!

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