Thursday, December 17, 2009

Friendly Lunch

Last Saturday, I was working. But, in between stores I decided to take a little break and have lunch with a friend. When I say have lunch I mean I ate and Kristin sat and watched me. This is because Kristin eats like an old person. Meaning, I called her at 1:00 PM as I was leaving the store in Ithaca to ask if she wanted to meet for lunch and she said, "Well, I'm pretty full because I ate a couple hours ago, but I'd love to meet you and catch up". Try to get her for dinner at any hour past five and you can forget it.

So, we met at Moe's Southwest Grill. DELICIOUS! Here's just a few short reasons why I like it.
1. They make a junior burrito which is the perfect size.
2. You get free chips and salse with every order
3. They have a burrito called the art vandaley (reference to Seinfeld!)
4. I was once eating there with Martin and stole recruited a Moe's employee to become a wonderful cashier at Aldi.

So, while I ate my junior triple lindy and munch on chips and sipped diet coke, Kristin and I talked about anything and everything. It was the perfect way to break up a day of work!

While we were chatting we starting talking about atheism and our thoughts on it. Kristin is dating someone how considers himself an antheist and we both agreed it just feels kind of disconcerting to think that there would be nothing else after life on earth. It's nice to have faith and believe. What are your thoughts?

Anyway, my favorite Mexican restaurant in Ithaca is by far Garcia's. But that's for another post.

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