Monday, December 14, 2009

The Not So Good, Very Bad Day

Scene: Wednesday night/Thursday morning circa 2:30 AM.

Martin begins rolling around in bed, clearly in pain and rolls onto me, digging his elbow into my leg. I ask him if he is ok and he says that he has a terrible leg cramp. I suggest that he try to stand on it or walk on it. Martin gets out of bed and goes into the kitchen.

Suddenly, I hear a huge crash. For some reason my automatic thought it that Martin has opened up the freezer and everything has fallen out. I should have known that was wrong because it sounds more like something I would do.

I shout, "Martin, What Happened?"
 No response.

I race into the kitchen and find Martin laying on the floor with his eyes glazed over and he's shaking. It looks like he is having a seizure. I scream, "Martin, Martin, Martin"
No response.

Finally, he snaps out of it and sits up. His head is bleeding because he hit it on the radiator when he fell. He thinks he passed out from the pain of the cramp and refused to go to the hospital. Needless to say, I spent the rest of the night laying next to him, awake, making sure he was breathing.

Needless to say, I have been freaking out about this incident since it occurred and am making Martin go to convenient care to get the situation checked out. It was very scary.

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