Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wait. These aren't REAL people?

Seinfeld - Seasons 1 & 2

So... as I've been mindlessly watching ALL the Episodes of Seinfeld  during these past few mornths weeks, I've really grown to think that all the characters are real people that I know. I find myself saying things to Martin like,

"I have no idea what Susan sees in George. I can't believe she's marrying him??"


"Elaine is so dramatic but I love her hair. Especially in these last couple of years. I would love curly locks like hers"


 "Kramer is crazy"

I remind myself of my father. One time I was watching Friends with my dad and Joey did something funny - I don't even remember what - but my dad says, "Oh, that Joey" just like they're old friends and they go way back and this is just the typical Joey move. You know, like he used to do when they played baseball together as young children.

So. I'm turning into my dad. All this Seinfeld has got me convinced that I know these people


  1. My favorite quote from Elaine on the subway "I'm not a lesbian. I mean, I hate men, but I'm not a lesbian." Remember that episode?

  2. Ha! of course I remember that episode. I LOVE seinfeld. It's such a quotable show
