Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fire Building Contest!

Ok, so I just realized that I promised to have a final and seperate post about my favorite event at the lumberjill show, but completely forgot! I don't know how this happened because I seriously loved this event and took thirteen pictures of it!
Here's how the event works: You grab a partner and the two of you are given a bucket with soapy water, a match, and a piece of wood. And you both get to use your axes. Then you just choose a spot and begin to set up.
Then you wait for them to say go. This event isn't for points, and although there is a small monetary fee attached to first, second, and third place - you can tell that it is just for fun by the spirit and fury the contestants compete with even after they have no chance of winning first, second, or third. I think this event is a favorite for all after a hard day of competing.
As soon as the announcers says go, one partner starts cutting the wood up into little pieces of kindling which will catch fire easier, while the other partner concentrates on getting a fire to light.
Because remember - you only have one match.
Except they do let you get another match. But you have to run up to the judge and get them one at a time. Therefore, its important that the initial spot you chose is close to the judge.
Once you get a fire to ignite, you and your partner both lay on the ground and take turns blowing oxygen into the fire to build it bigger and bigger.
And hotter and hotter.
And the first team to get their pot to boil over wins! Sounds awesome right.

I knew you would like it as much as me.

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