Sunday, September 5, 2010

Oh Tom!

I brought my Atlas on the roadtrip with us, mostly because I didn't realize that Caton had a tom tom. And also, if I was listening to John, I would have brought it because you should always understand where you are going on a map before using a GPS.

Of course, John tried to use the map on his GPS as an actually readable map even though the screen is tiny and obviously not very detailed for inner city driving in that way. So....really....I don't know how much I should be listening to John.

Anyway, Tom was amazing, and when I say Tom, I mean tom tom, the GPS. Other than getting completely freaked out every time Caton and I got off the highway to get iced coffees at McDonald's (at least twice a day) Tom really kept his cool.

He was so amazing that halfway through the trip Caton proclaimed,

Oh Tom, you're the only man I'll ever listen to!

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