Sunday, May 2, 2010

Boosting My Confidence

My dear friend Ranatta was kind enough to pick me up from the airport when I returned home from my trip to Texas. On the way back to my house, between filling each other in on the events that had occurred in our absence we stumbled onto the topic of...........wait for can probably guess it....................yep, I think you're on the right track...........the baby.

Ranatta: So, I was thinking. I really love that you guys are having this baby.
Me: Yeah. Me too.
Ranatta: Because, you know it wasn't planned, so its really a love baby. Which is nice.
Me: Yeah. I think so too, because there's never really a good time to have a baby so I'm kind of glad we didn't have to plan it.
Ranatta: Yeah. And also.....ok.....don't take this the wrong way.....but do you remember what you looked like that week after you came back from Florida. I mean, that was the week when your face looked like you had chemical burns. I mean, if you think about it, that baby was made that week. Which means Martin must really love you. So you really are having a love baby.

And whenever I need to feel good about myself, I turn to Ranatta.

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