Thursday, May 6, 2010

Didn't See That One Coming.

So, I've always been a sappy person. Lots of things make me cry. Things that shouldn't make me cry, make me cry. I just cried in Beauty and the Beast last month...and I've seen that movie at least fifty times.

But, even I, didn't see this one coming

Yesterday morning I went to the Doctor's office for my first ultrasound. I knew it was going to be cool. But I was inwardly really worried I wouldn't be able to see my own baby. I keep replaying that Friends episode in my head where Rachel starts crying at the ultrasound and Ross thinks its because she sees that baby, but its because she can't see the baby. I started thinking about Where's Waldo and Lord knows I never had the patience for that.

But, it couldn't have been more of an amazing experience. The ultrasound technician told me that she was first going to look at my cervix and ovaries and boring things like that, but assured me that after checking up on all that good stuff, she would show me the baby and I would be able to hear its heart beat and everything. But then, as soon as she placed the contraption on my stomach....there it was she didn't even get around to finding my ovaries and cervix right away because it was like hello baby! There was no possible way to miss it. And I immediately started crying. I didn't think it was going to be that amazing. I didn't think it would look that  much like a real baby. But there is was, rolling around, putting its hand up to its mouth, moving its legs, turning to lay on its side, moving to the back of the womb, coming back up to the front. It was moving so much she could barely get a good picture of it. You could even see the outline of its face. The nose, everything. All 4.5 centimeters clear for my viewing pleasure. You could even see its heart beating. Literally, you could actually watch the little white spot go pitter-patter-pitter-patter at 155 beats a minute.It was like a movie I wanted to watch all day long. Even my  attention span would have extended itself for this show.

And then, in typical mom fashion, I found myself thinking, Oh my god, isn't it the cutest baby ever! It is so cute and then I slapped myself and realized. Ok, its a black and white outline of your baby. Calm yourself.

ps. if you care to see pictures of the ultrasound, I apologize. While I realize my baby will probably not bring tears to your eyes, I also know a lot of you would like to see them, BUT I'm having technial difficulties with my scanner, meaning I want to break it, and I will post pictures later if I can resolve this issue.

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